
01:15 PM


02:45 AM


AB 1079


Event details

Time: 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM, Friday, April 12

Venue: AB 1079

Moderator: Kwang Leong Choy, Professor of Materials Science, and Acting Co-Director of Environment Research Center (ERC), Duke Kunshan University

Distinguished Speakers:

LIU Sheng, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Professor and Executive Dean of the Institute of Technological Sciences; Dean of the School of Power and Mechanical Engineering; Associate Dean of the School of Microelectronics at Wuhan University.

YANG Xiaojian, Vice President of Technology for Bosch in China and President of Bosch China Technical Institute, Senior Engineer with Professor-level Expertise, Honorary Professor at the Hubei Institute of Automotive Industry, and Master-level Coach in Leadership and Product Development.

JIN Jian, Distinguished Professor at Soochow University, and the Recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Her research focuses on the design and preparation of polymer membrane materials, biomimetic superwetting membranes, and nanoporous materials, as well as their applications in seawater desalination, ion and small molecule separation, water purification, carbon dioxide and fuel gas purification, biomedical separations, and other relevant fields.


This seminar will focus on the following research topics.

· Heterogeneous Chip Integration and Packaging

· Challenges and Responses to Green Sustainable Development

· Design and Application of Advanced Membranes towards A Better Life