Coraline Goron, Ph.D.


Environmental and climate change politics and policy processes, institutional change and ecological transformation, participation in environmental governance and environmental disputes; the use of qualitative methods of inquiry including historical analysis, process tracing, document analysis, as well as fieldwork methods such as interviews, ethnography, and self-reporting.

Dr. Coraline Goron obtained a double Ph.D. degree in Political Science from the University of Warwick and the Université Libre de Bruxelles under the aegis of the Erasmus Mundus GEM program. She holds an MA in European politics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and an LLM in international and Chinese law from the China-EU School of Law at the Chinese University of Political Science and Law in Beijing. Before joining DKU, Coraline was a postdoctoral research fellow funded by the Wiener-Anspach Foundation at the University of Oxford China Centre.

Her research centers on environmental politics with a specific focus on China, both domestically and as an increasingly influential actor in global environmental governance. She is particularly interested in the contentious politics of socio-ecological transformations, confronting interests, ideologies and imaginaries of the future. Her Ph.D. thesis received the Marthe Engelborghs-Bertels Prize for Sinology in May 2018. It traced the transformation of China’s regulatory institutions in the field of energy and environmental protection and analyzed their combined outcomes on the implementation of decarbonization and renewable energy policies. It draws on a vast corpus of Chinese-language documentation, including over 200 policy documents and dozens of industry journal articles, as well as interviews with Chinese industry experts and policy stakeholders.

Coraline’s postdoctoral research at Oxford University has explored different usages of environmental information, paying attention to the politics of disclosure and the relationship between environmental authorities, industries, NGOs and citizens seeking environmental information in China. She is keen on developing the academic fields of Political Ecology and Science and Technology Studies from the perspective of China. Her current research includes:

The politics of environmental information disclosure in the resolution of environmental disputes, citizen production of environmental information and their participation in local environmental governance
The politics of stateled ecological transformation, with a focus on the social impacts, pushbacks, and renegotiations of top-down environmental measures
The transnational (non)diffusion of environmental norms and practices to and from China, especially in the field of climate change

Goron Coraline, Bolsover Gillian. 2019. Engagement or control? The impact of the Chinese environmental protection bureaus’ burgeoning online presence in local environmental governance. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Online first.

Goron, Coraline. 2018. Ecological Civilization and the Political Limits of a Chinese Concept of Sustainability. China Perspective, 2018/4 pp 39-52.

Goron, Coraline. 2018. Fighting Climate Change and Fair Trade: Finding EU’s interest in the solar dispute with China. China-EU Law Journal. Online first.

Goron Coraline, Cassisa Cyril.2017. “Regulatory Institutions and Market-Based Climate Policy in China”, Global Environmental Politics. 17:1 pp 99-120.

Goron Coraline. 2013. “欧盟航空排放交易系统被困于京都和芝加哥:在多方治理体系中的单方法律设立” [The EU Aviation ETS caught between Kyoto and Chicago: Unilateral Norm Entrepreneurship in the Multilateral Governance System] 《中国政法大学学报》 (China University of Political Science and Law Journal) 35. pp 41-87

Goron, Coraline, Freeman, Duncan. 2017. Industrial policy in China and Europe’s climate change strategies. In Telo, Mario, Wang, Xiaotong, Ding, Chun. 2018. The EU-China partnership. Bridging institutional, and ideational differences between two unprecedented global actors. Routledge. pp 204-220

Goron Coraline, (2014) “China – EU relations: Low carbon objectives and the management of bilateral Trade Relations”, Book Chapter in Etienne Reuter and Jing Men (eds), China – EU Green Cooperation. pp 67-83

Goron Coraline. 2014. “EU – ASEAN Relations in the post-2015 Climate Regime: Exploring pathways for Top-down and Bottom-up Climate Governance” in Konrad Adenauer Foundation (ed) EU-Asia Dialogue Series, Climate Change Diplomacy. The Way Forward for Asia and Europe. pp 101-131

Goron Coraline. 2012. “The EU Aviation ETS caught between Kyoto and Chicago: Unilateral Norm Entrepreneurship in the Multilateral Governance System”, GEM-GREEN Doctoral Working Paper Series, Brussels, November 2012