Cost of Attendance

Duke Kunshan University offers a world-class education for highly qualified students from all backgrounds. The cost of attending Duke Kunshan reflects the university’s commitment to providing an outstanding educational experience and is comparable to that of other leading private universities.

Duke Kunshan is committed to enrolling a highly talented, diverse and international student body. Scholarship support is available to support these goals. All applicants will automatically be considered for available scholarships, up to and including full scholarships.

Special financial aid will be offered to all Chinese students from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan to lower the tuition standard to RMB 180,000 per year (2024-2025 Academic Year*). Additional scholarships of varying amounts will be available based on academic achievement and family financial circumstances. Admitted students will be given an opportunity to submit supplemental financial information.

Tuition and Fees for 2024-2025 Academic Year *
iMEP 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance for International Students
iMEP 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance for International Students
Figures are in USD1st Year Students2nd Year Students
Fall 2024Spring 2025TotalFall 2024Spring 2025Total
at DKU at DKU at DKUat Duke
Health Insurance $1,408$1,408$587$1,428$2,015
Student Fees (Health Fee,  Recreation Fee, etc.)$821$821
Transcript Fee –$120$120
Health Fee$484$484
Activity Fee$18$18
Graduate Student Serv Fee$12$12
Recreation Fee$187$187
Total –  Tuition/Fees$24,527$23,119$47,646$23,706$25,368$49,074
Books & Supplies$100$100$200$100$322$422
Domestic/Int’l Travel$3,000$3,000$3,000$3,000
Local Transportation$1,130$1,130
Miscellaneous/Personal Expenses$847$848$1,685$848$2,370$3,218
Total – Living Expense$7,025$4,026$11,051$7,026$13,360$20,386
Living Expense$7,026$4,025$11,051$7,025$13,360$20,385
Total Cost of Attendance$31,653$27,244$58,897$30,831$39,050$69,881
iMEP 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance for Students from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
Figures are in RMB1st Year Students2nd Year Students
Fall 2024Spring 2025TotalFall 2024Spring 2025Total
at DKU at DKU at DKUat Duke 
Health Insurance *¥800 –¥800¥800¥10,110¥10,910
Student Fees (Health Fee,  Recreation Fee, etc.)¥5,813¥5,813
Transcript Fee¥3427¥3427
Health Fee¥850¥850
Activity Fee¥127¥127
Graduate Student Serv Fee¥85¥85
Recreation Fee¥1324¥1324
Total –  Tuition/Fees¥90,800¥90,000¥180,800¥90,800¥105,923¥196,723
Books & Supplies¥708¥708¥1,416¥708¥2,280¥2,988
Domestic/Int’l Travel¥ 1,500¥ 1,500¥ 3,000¥1,500¥21,240¥22,740
Local Transportation¥8,000¥8,000
Miscellaneous/Personal Expenses¥6,000¥6,000¥12,000¥6,000¥16,780¥22,780
Total – Living Expense¥30,000¥30,000¥60,000¥30,000¥115,829¥145,829
Living Expense¥30,000¥30,000¥60,000¥30,000¥115,829¥145,829
Total Cost of Attendance¥121,508¥120,708¥242,216¥121,508¥224,031¥345,539
*Health Insurance: optional but strongly recommended.
*All figures are estimates only
For AY 2025/26, the tuition fee for students from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan for the first year at Duke Kunshan University will be RMB 210,000.
Cost of Attendance (COA) Notes:

All fees and rates provided at this time are estimates and are subject to change.

Duke Kunshan student residence and dining facilities are closed during the winter break between the fall and spring semesters.

Residence charge of single room is RMB12,000 per semester, double room is RMB10,000 per semester.
International Travel includes an estimate of the cost of one roundtrip from an international destination to Shanghai for international students, typical visa costs, and in the case of additional health check and registration costs associated with establishing legal residence in China for non-Chinese students. Students wishing to return to their home countries during breaks in their study before the end of the year should budget additional funds for these trips.
Domestic Travel includes two return trips (RMB1,000 each) for students from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan to go back hometown during Chinese vacation.

For detailed information about health insurance, please click here: International students are required to purchase and enroll in the Health Insurance Plan(including SOS) from the university.